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The Lambeth Allies programme is now available throughout the entire borough

Lambeth Council, in partnership with the health campaigning charity LGBT HERO, has launched a pioneering LGBTQ+ program called “Lambeth Allies” that is now available to all businesses within the borough. This initiative aims to promote a more inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals in public spaces. Many local businesses, including Surrey Cricket Club, Clapham Picturehouse, and Better Leisure, have already joined the program after a successful six-month trial in Clapham and Vauxhall. The programme is now open to all businesses in Lambeth. 

The “Lambeth Allies” programme is a three-step process that begins with LGBTQ+ awareness training facilitated by LGBT HERO. Members then commit to upholding standards of inclusivity and safety by signing a simple pledge. Finally, businesses can proudly display distinctive rainbow signage that boldly proclaims their solidarity as allies. 

These steps are pivotal in effecting tangible change within public spaces. Justin Mahboubian-Jones, the project manager at LGBT HERO, emphasises, “It’s important to us that LGBTQ+ people feel safer, but also that they are safer.” By educating members on matters of identity, inclusion, and safety, the program ensures a sustained transformation that transcends mere symbolism. 

Thanks to funding provided by Lambeth Council, participation in the Lambeth Allies scheme comes at no cost to members. This financial support has democratised involvement, making it accessible even to smaller organisations integral to the community fabric. 

Businesses eager to participate can register their interest on LGBT HERO’s website. A member of their team will promptly follow up to facilitate enrollment. 

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