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Future Lambeth: Growing Our Green Economy

Future Lambeth: Growing our Green Economy is Lambeth Council’s strategy to grow the borough’s already thriving green economy sector. 

As the first local authority in London to declare a climate emergency in 2019, now is the time for the council to bring targeted interventions to support the green economy with climate justice and equity at heart. 

Lambeth is already home to a thriving green economy – from groundbreaking, high-growth SMEs in Sustainable Ventures – Europe’s largest incubator for sustainable business – to established scale-ups and a wealth of climate action and innovation led by our civic and community sector. 

million invested
in green economy business support by the council and our partners
million raised in external funding
by Lambeth’s green businesses in Sustainable Ventures

Our Strategy

We want to ensure that we are creating the right environment for the green economy to thrive locally, harnessing the opportunities the sector presents us in driving innovation, high-quality, well-paid jobs for our residents, and more liveable neighbourhoods.

Through specialist business support, access to the right space, and upskilling our diverse residents with net-zero skills, we will help this flourishing economy attract investment and grow.  

Across the next four years, we will focus on five key areas to unlock growth in the green economy. 

  • Space and clustering – We will grow the workspace for the sector to encourage clustering. 
  • Funding and investment – We will unlock investment to develop and deploy innovation. 
  • Partnership and advocacy – We will develop a strong business ecosystem and build Lambeth’s identity as the home of the green economy. 
  • Business support – We will direct support to businesses at all stages of growth. 
  • Employment and skills – We will work with employers and educators to equitably grow our diverse talent. 

Talk to us

The actions in this strategy have been developed in collaboration with Lambeth’s green economy stakeholders. This partnership will continue through delivery as we tap into the wealth of knowledge, capacity and ingenuity that already thrives within our businesses, institutions and communities. 

We are keen to keep growing Lambeth’s green economy ecosystem, so if you have ideas or want to get involved, we want to hear from you! 

Contact – invest@lambeth.gov.uk  

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